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Performance Horses


We maintain a small herd of reining, cow horse and speed bred mares that include daughters of Sweet Lil Pepto, Nic It In The Bud, Slick by Design and others. 


Each are hand picked for pedigree, conformation and personality. We have mares that will produce great athletes and using horses, each spring its exciting to see what each mare has to show us

We have retained our first stalllion and we couldn't be more excited about SOOOOO SHINEY (HOMOZYGOUS SPLASH WHITE)

son of Smart And Shiney

Miniature Horses

A new venture for us, we have started breeding little horses, our herd is colorful! 


Breeding splash, grullo, dun and champagne foals, we aim for disposition, conformation and lastly color with the hopes that our work leads to some really cool homozygous foals.

We currently have a very handsome son of OLIVE BRANCH BARONS HEIR APPARENT. He topped the AMHR Honor Roll in weanling stallions and has taken Grand & Reserve Grands in Stock Horse 

Dos Palmas Sterling Silver
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Dos Palmas Sterling Silver
Dos Palmas Sterling Silver
If Blings Yer Thing
Dos Palmas Sterling Silver
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